A sunny Bedford Parkrun
Another Saturday meant another Parkrun for me to add another 5k to my total, and what a lovely Saturday it was too. The sun was shining and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. The race went well and I managed to finish in 26:42 which is another PB for me and knocked 1:10 off my previous PB. I finished very red faced and sweaty but happy that my fitness seems to be getting back to where it was in February before I had all the illness and injury. It has given me a bit more confidence going into the Sunderland Half Marathon on Sunday that I will hopefully be able to get a decent time and not get left behind by my sister who is running it with me.
This week also saw me host a coffee morning at RAF Henlow where we had lots and lots of cake available and a guess the name of the teddy bear and guess the amount of sweets in the jar competition. The morning was a great success and we raised £217 for Dementia UK which will help fund Admiral Nurses to support families living with dementia. This money plus a few extra sponsors means that I am heading towards the 75% mark of my fundraising target. I am confident that it wont be long before I hit it!
Thank you to my sponsors from the last week:
Rosanne Wilde, Lyndsey Davidson, Polly Sangar, Chris Bamburgh and Helen Johnson.
Your support is massively appreciated. Thank you!
If you are able to support me in this challenge then please visit my fundraising page at:
KM Complete: 140KM
KM To Go: 160KM
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