Well that was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do in my life! It was an emotional run and I shed a few tears when I completed the race from sheer exhaustion and happiness that I had completed the distance. It was even more special as I had Raf, Amelia and Fox as well as my Mam and Dad to cheer me on at the finish line which is somewhere I never thought I would get to after the week I had with illness and injury. But I am glad that I was stubborn and completed the distance even though I am in so much pain today! I have since been to the doctor and am on painkillers and anti-inflammatories to help with the muscle sprain below my ribs and am aiming to be out running again in the next couple of days. It has got me slightly terrified about the marathon which is only three short weeks away as I don’t know where I am going to find those extra six miles from. But I will do it, I have no doubts about that. Even if I have to crawl across the finish line! And did I mention that I...